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The Writing Workshop

Writing Workshop Description



When: Feb 1st, 2025 at 6 PM - and every subsequent Saturday after that, for 5 meetings, one meeting per week.


When: Feb 2nd, 2025 at 6 PM - and every subsequent Sunday after that, for 5 meetings, one meeting per week.

Where: The Book Forge at 3 South Main Street in Orange, MA.

Time: 6 PM - subject to slight change depending on the needs of the cohort (for example it could be arranged by the class that we will meet at 6:30 instead of 6:00, or 5:30 instead of 6:00).

Our Writing Workshop is meant for any author who is serious about writing and would like to publish short fiction or novels. One of the great differences between our workshop and others in the market is the guaranteed feedback and immediate publication consideration you'll be receiving. Book Forge Press publishes novels as well as anthologies of short fiction - at least one person in the workshop will be offered a shot at publication.

This is a great program for a variety of writers, but ideally you'd either be in one of two camps:

1) You're drafting a novel or short story currently (perhaps you're in the beginning stages, have only started an outline, or even just have a few pages written). Regardless of how far along you are (if you've even yet began), you're motivated and want to put in serious time over the next 5 weeks
. A structured weekly meeting in which you discuss craft, read novel / story excerpts, and involve yourself with spirited critique is something you'll benefit from.

2) You're sitting on a finished short story or novel and now need feedback - you're looking to edit your manuscript and prepare it for submission to agents, editors, small presses, or lit journals (or maybe you're planning to forge ahead with self publishing, in which case you perhaps could benefit from a serious, rigorous workshop more than anyone!). In any event, you'd like a formal, structured place to discuss your work, and you're interested in receiving specific, in depth feedback.

A three page critique letter and a 25-page line edit is delivered to each attendee, hand written by Tyler Hauth. The workshop's major focus is in interrogating, analyzing, and crafting compelling stories that are highly likely to hook readers, editors, and agents alike. Discussion of broader plots, pacing, characterization, setting, general prose, dialogue, and many other craft elements will also be aplenty. Around 70% of class time is spent on individual manuscripts, and 30% is focused on general craft, although these percentages are always subject to change depending on the moods and whims of our specific group.

The workshop meets 5 times, starting on Feb 1, 2025 at The Book Forge (3 South Main St, Orange MA). Feb 1st is a Saturday, each new meeting will be on the following Saturday. Our other workshop will meet starting Feb 2nd 2025, which is a Sunday, and each new meeting will be on the following Sunday. Simply clarify which meeting you'd like to be a part of when you submit.

Each author will have up to 30 pages of their short story or novel read by the class and a minimum of 1 hour will be devoted to the workshop and critique of their chapter(s). The first workshop meeting is a place for discussion, learning about each other's projects, as well as writing and craft discussion.

The goal here is simple: to surround ourselves with serious authors, all of whom are occupied with the same task, and to devote meaningful effort and time into writing, critiquing, editing, and polishing. A writing workshop like this is a great opportunity to forge lasting bonds with other authors and get further entrenched into the writing community. It's also invaluable as a place where you'll receive highly specific and spirited responses to your own writing - critique letters and line edits from everyone in the workshop and hours of discussion to follow it up - anyone that's ever been in a good writing workshop can tell you how crucial this is.

The workshop will take 5 weeks to complete - this is a major commitment of time, money, and generosity, as all of the participants count on the rest of the cohort to engage with them earnestly.





It should be clear that attendance is competitive and therefore applications are subject to rejection. There are only 8 slots available for this class. Please specify whether you'd like to be in the Saturday or Sunday class.

Submit to:


We ask for one unpublished writing sample, in 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, of no more than 25 pages.


If accepted or shortlisted for participation, The Book Forge will reach out to you with additional questions. Please specify which class you'd like to be in - Saturday or Sunday.








$200, to be paid in full before start of class. There is currently no aid available for attendance.



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